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Friday, September 26, 2008


日本人は本土型か琉球型 理研、7000人の遺伝子解析




Source : 日本人は本土型か琉球型 理研、7000人の遺伝子解析

追記 もととなる論文を見つけました。以下のものだと思います。全部に目を通すにはお金を払わなくてはならないけれど、抄録は読むことができる。

Japanese Population Structure, Based on SNP Genotypes from 7003 Individuals Compared to Other Ethnic Groups: Effects on Population-Based Association Studies

Most Japanese individuals fell into two main clusters, Hondo and Ryukyu; the Hondo cluster includes most of the individuals from the main islands in Japan, and the Ryukyu cluster includes most of the individuals from Okinawa. The SNPs with the greatest frequency differences between the Hondo and Ryukyu clusters were found in the HLA region in chromosome 6. The nonsynonymous SNPs with the greatest frequency differences between the Hondo and Ryukyu clusters were the Val/Ala polymorphism (rs3827760) in the EDAR gene, associated with hair thickness, and the Gly/Ala polymorphism (rs17822931) in the ABCC11 gene, associated with ear-wax type. Genetic differentiation was observed, even among different regions in Honshu Island, the largest island of Japan. Simulation studies showed that the inclusion of different proportions of individuals from different regions of Japan in case and control groups can lead to an inflated rate of false-positive results when the sample sizes are large.


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» 日本人は「本土型」と「琉球型」…遺伝解析で明らかに [ニュース検索]
 日本人は、遺伝的に「本土型」と「琉球型」に大別できることが、理化学研究所が約7000人を対象にした遺伝解析で明らかになった。日本人の起源を知る手がかりになるもので、26日の米科学誌(電子版)に掲載される。 理研の鎌谷直之チームリーダーらが、全国の病院から患者の遺伝情報データを収集。14万か所のDNAの個人差(SNP)を手がかりに分類したところ、「本土型」「琉球型」の大きく二つのグループに分けられ...... [Read More]

Tracked on Friday, September 26, 2008 08:12 PM

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