(毎日新聞 2007年5月2日 1時04分【横田愛】)アイヌ民族の伝統儀式「イヨマンテ」(クマ送り)を「野蛮な行為」として事実上禁じた1955年の北海道知事名の通達について、道は4月、52年ぶりに撤廃した。イヨマンテは、神とあがめるクマの魂を天上に送るための儀式で、撤廃により行政が初めてアイヌ文化の枢要をなす儀式を認めた形だ。北海道ウタリ協会の阿部一司副理事長は「(イヨマンテの禁止は和人とアイヌ民族との)同化政策の総仕上げの意味合いがあった。今後は力を入れて儀式を復活させていきたい」と話している。
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イヨマンテ アイヌ民族は、クマを「人間の世界に姿を変えてやってきた神」と位置付けており、大切に育てたクマの魂を天に返すことで謝意を示し、再び人間の世界に恵みがもたらされることを願う儀式。古くは近隣の村から大勢を招いて執り行われ、生け捕りにして2年ほど飼い育てた子グマに矢を放ち、肉をふるまった。近年は胆振管内白老町、日高管内平取町、旭川市などで数年に1度行われている。
▼ English Hokkaido retracts ban on Ainu people's traditional ceremony
Hokkaido retracts ban on Ainu people's traditional ceremonySAPPORO -- The Hokkaido Prefectural Government has retracted a ban on the Ainu indigenous people's traditional ceremony "Iyomante," which the governor placed in a 1955 directive, officials said.
The retraction of the ban in April means that the prefectural government approves the ceremony that is the core of Ainu culture.
The Hokkaido Utari Association comprising of Ainu people said it will take this opportunity to promote the coexistence of difference ethnic groups and cultures and revive Ainu culture.
"The directive represented the completion of Japan's assimilation policy (between Japanese and Ainu). From now on, we'd like to step up efforts to revive the ceremony," a high-ranking official of the association said."We appreciate the retraction of the directive, but the important thing is to ensure that the ban is no longer valid. We'd like to ensure that it will lead to the coexistence of different ethnic groups and cultures and the revival of Ainu culture," he said.
Iyomante is a ceremony to return the soul of a bear, which Ainu people believe is a God visiting the human world, to heaven to express gratitude to the God and pray for a blessing of the human world.
Specifically, Ainu people catch a wild bear cub, raise it for two years, and then kill it with a spear. They then eat its meat.
In 1955, the governor sent a directive to the mayors of all Hokkaido cities, towns and villages and the directors of the prefectural government branches saying that Iyomante, in which an animal is killed, is a barbaric act.
"It can be recognized that Iyomante, a religious ceremony, is an important part of Ainu culture. However, it is undesirable in light of commonly accepted norms and from an educational viewpoint," the directive said. "It's a barbaric act and it should be abolished."
Even though the directive is not legally binding, Iyomante has been rarely observed in recent years. It is held in Shiraoi, Biratori and Asahikawa once every few years.
Prefectural government officials have no idea of why such a directive was issued. "We don't know the reason and motives for issuing the directive," an official of its natural environment division said.
In 2005, the Hokkaido Utari Association urged the prefectural government to retract the directive.
The prefectural government asked the Environment Ministry about whether the ceremony in which a bear is killed constitutes a violation of the Law concerning the Protection and Control of Animals.
In October last year, the ministry responded that the ceremony does not violate the law as long as it is observed in an appropriate manner for justifiable purposes. The ministry also recognized Iyomante as a ceremony and festival.
The prefectural government officially retracted the directive banning Iyomante on April 2. (Mainichi)
May 2, 2007
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