« 平安時代は「平和も安心もない時代」でした | Main | ★ビーグッドカフェ東京 Vol.65 5月16日のお知らせ »

Friday, May 07, 2004


------ ローリング・サンダー

"Professors teach so much about the atom and of different sources of energy, but they have forgotten about the lightning-the source of life energy. They still have to discover just how lightning is formed and transferred to the Earth and about certain rocks that hold that energy, and that all life has some of the lightning in it. Everything that has life also has an electrical force. The flow of energy has to be in certain directions, and if it gets upset or unbalanced it can affect our bodies in such a way that we might become ill or even paralyzed. This energy flow in the human body is very important."
----Rolling Thunder

"The Earth is Alive and Running Out Of Breath"

雲母書房刊『原子力の時代は終った』(人間家族編集室編編)所収の「地球は生きている そして息も絶えだえになっている」ジョアン・プライス(斎藤麗訳)の論文より、一部北山が改訳した


« 平安時代は「平和も安心もない時代」でした | Main | ★ビーグッドカフェ東京 Vol.65 5月16日のお知らせ »

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