ローリング・サンダー「平和」を語る (対訳)
I have been working for PEACE all my life,
but not the sided peace like breaking treaties.
The kind of peace I'm looking for,
I have seen and will see in the future,
is armies without guns, riding horseback
because there will be no other transportation moving.
These armies will be bringing food and medicine to the people.
They will be saving what people they can,
mostly babies and old people --
because all the young people will be been wasted
and gone to war, young men and women both.
They were unable to get back to their homes in this country.
The kind of peace I would like to see
will be up to the native people.
Because those other foreign people
have tried and utterly failed.
This time it will be up to the native people
and then go around the world.
So, that is the way it is,
the next time brotherhood is established on this Earth.
Peace should mean peace for all mankind,
as well as with the four-legged and two-legged
and those that swim in the ocean.
Also with the Earth, Sun, Moon and Stars.
With all things that have life.
We native people have in our code
to protect and promote the beauties of Nature.
So that we have a way of looking at things that is American,
which was here long before Columbus.
Columbus did not bring peace.
He brought a strange and foreign way of dictatorship.
Peace means so many things
that we have a word for it in Cherokee:HOS-DAW,
meaning beautiful or good.
We have another word, WO-DOGH,
which means Be at peace or, Go in peace.
That is the way I want to express myself at this time.
****注 ショショーニ族とチェロキー族のふたつの部族にまたがる長老であったローリング・サンダー翁は、1997年1月23日にネバダ州カーリンにおいてこの世界における旅を終えた。
「Ho! (Quote of the Day)」カテゴリの記事
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